## Reflection week
2021 Week 1 Episode 4: Interview with Amy Butt, Part 2
Table of contents
The transcript is not yet available.
Reading list
Novels / Short stories:
- Pamela Zoline (1988) “The Heat Death of the Universe”
- JG Ballard (1975) High Rise Moshin Hamid (2017) Exit West
- Doris Lessing (1974) Memoirs of a survivor
- Kim Stanley Robinson (2017) New York 2140 (and briefly the California Trilogy!)
- Octavia Butler (1993) Parable of the Sower
- Chen Qiufan (2013) The Waste Tide
- N. K. Jemisin (2013) The Fifth Season (book one of the Broken Earth trilogy)
Essays / Theory:
- J. G. Ballard (1962) “Which way to inner space”, New Worlds, #118
- Kodwo Eshun (2003) ‘__Further Considerations on Afrofuturism’ The New Centennial Review, Volume 3, Number 2 - (quoted - “Assemble counter memories that contest the historical archive”)
- Kodwo Eshun (1998) More Brilliant than the Sun (book on the music of Afrofuturism)
- Dan Hassler-Forest (2014) “The Politics of World-Building: Heteroglossia in Janelle Monáe’s Afrofuturist WondaLand” Para-doxa Volume 26
- Kathleen Spencer (1983) ‘“The Red Sun Is High, the Blue Low”: Towards a Stylistic Description of Science Fiction’ Science Fiction Studies, Vol. 10, No. 1
- Darko Suvin (1979) Metamorphoses of Science Fiction: On the Poetics and History of a Literary Genre